A Glimpse of the Grand Palace, Bangkok

Bangkok was an overwhelming city to say the least and Alex and I certainly had different impressions of the city, meaning I was much more overwhelmed by the traffic and the noise and underwhelmed by the food (blogging world don’t hate me!), whereas Alex had a much different experience.  However, once I set foot in the Grand Palace and got away from all the traffic I felt that maybe this was what I had been searching for in Bangkok.  The temples were gilded and beautifully mosaic, the Buddhas massive and all seeing, and the royal palace as decadent and as eastern as I thought it would be.  The Grand Palace was definitely one of my favorite parts of Bangkok, despite having to buy a touristy t-shirt to cover my shoulders (scarves do not cut it in Asia).  I could have spent hours there admiring the soaring architecture of the temples and palace buildings.  Here are just a few of my photos from the Grand Palace just so you can have a little glimpse of its splendor!

The Grand Palace, Bangkok

Intricate Tile Work on the Grand Palace

Guardian of the Grand Palace

Gold is Everywhere at the Grand Palace

One of the many Buddhas at the Grand Palace

Detailing on the Cornice at the Grand Palace

Golden Gaurdian

Palace Guards

Obsessed with the Guardians

Bronze Guardian

Scary Demon Destroying a Town

Taciturn Thai Guard

Look at Me

Guardian of the Doors

The Thais call this building Farang (foreigner) with a Thai Hat since it was built in the European style but topped with Thai elements
The Thais call this building Farang (foreigner) with a Thai Hat since it was built in the European style but topped with Thai elements


Obviously I was quite taken with all the little details and guardians who had a tendency to look straight into my soul and therefore I took dozens if not a hundred photos of these guys.  The Grand Palace did live up to my expectations of Thailand and even though I was not totally sold on Bangkok between the Grand Palace and Rawaii I was sold on Thailand.